






The impeachment motion under subparagraph 1 should be decided with the initiative of at least one-third of the lawmakers and the approval of at least half of the current members. However, impeachment of the president should be proposed with the approval of a majority of the lawmakers and with the approval of at least two-thirds of the lawmakers. The state should promote lifelong education. The Audit and Supervision Committee consists of 5 to 11 audit committee members, including the chairman. State religion is not recognized, and the church and the state are separate. When martial law is declared, the president must immediately notify Congress. The state must strive to protect motherhood. The state has an obligation to review the petition. Members of the National Assembly are not responsible outside of the parliament for their opinions and votes expressed when performing their duties.

No citizen can be tortured, nor can he be forced to speak against him on criminal matters. No one can be arrested or detained without notification of the reason for arrest or detention and the right to receive assistance from a lawyer. The reason, time, and place of arrest or detention must be immediately notified to the person prescribed by law, such as the family of the person arrested or detained. No citizen should be treated unfavorably for his or her actions of relatives than for his or her own actions. The organization and operation of the Constitutional Court and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by law. The term of office of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is six years and cannot be re-elected. The organization and establishment of the military shall be determined by law. If the President is unable to perform his or her duties due to absence or accident, the Prime Minister and members of the State Council shall perform their duties in the order prescribed by law.