



The country is obligated to review the petition.If the budget bill is not approved until the early new fiscal year, the government may execute expenditure based on budget until the budget plan is voted.The president is usually elected throughout and secret elections.Matters necessary for the audit committee, authority, the scope of public officials, authority, and audit committee shall be determined by law, and audit committee, and audit committee shall be determined by law.The group behavior prescribed by law, the group behavior prescribed by legal defense industry can’t be limited or recognized according to the law.President may have the effect of the law that is necessary to defend the country’s security, and if the National Security Council is required to defend the country’s security.

If the National Assembly is arrested or detained before the Assembly, the lawmaker may be released during the meeting, the lawmaker may be released during the meeting.Korea’s sovereignty is to the people, and all rights come from the people.The territory of South Korea is composed of the Korean Peninsula and the annex.The organization, authority, authority, authority, authority, authority, and qualifications shall be determined by law.President may be ordered by the provisions of law, sensitivity or welfare.Criminal Defendants are estimated guilty until guilty.Despite the provisions of Article 1 of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court judges who are appointed according to the Constitution.Special social class system is not recognized and cannot be created in any form.